Czerka Corp. R&D Wiki

Cast []

  • Danny - Kaa (The Jungle Book; 1967) 
  • Sawyer - Viper (Kung Fu Panda) 
  • Pudge - Oliver (Oliver & Company) 
  • Wooly Mammoth the Elephant - Tony the Tiger (Frosted Flakes) 
  • Tillie the Hippo - Lady Kluck (Robin Hood) 
  • Darla Dimple - Siri (Rugrats Go Wild) 
  • Cranston Goat - Bernard (The Rescuers) 
  • Frances Albacore - Miss Bianca (The Rescuers) 
  • T.W. Turtle - Mr. J. Thaddeus Toad (The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad) 
  • Max - The Big Bad Wolf (The Three Little Pigs) 
  • Farley Wink - Woody Woodpecker 
  • L.B. Mammoth - Tick-Tock Crocodile (Peter Pan) 
  • Flannigan - Oscar (Shark Tale) 
  • The Bus Driver - Nigel Ratburn (Arthur) 

Scenes []

  1. Snakes Don't Dance Part 1 - Opening/"Our Time Has Come" 
  2. Snakes Don't Dance Part 2 - Kaa Arrives to Hollywood/"Kaa's Arrival Song"/At Woody Woodpecker's 
  3. Snakes Don't Dance Part 3 - The Making of Lil Ark Angels/"Little Boat on the Sea"/Kaa Ruins It 
  4. Snakes Don't Dance Part 4 - Viper Talks to Kaa/"It's Tony the Tiger!" 
  5. Snakes Don't Dance Part 5 - "Animal Jam" 
  6. Snakes Don't Dance Part 6 - A Talk With Siri/"Big and Loud Parts 1 and 2" 
  7. Snakes Don't Dance Part 7 - The Flood 
  8. Snakes Don't Dance Part 8 - "Tell Me Lies" 
  9. Snakes Don't Dance Part 9 - Kaa Goes Back to Kokomo/Invitation to The Premiere of Lil Ark Angels 
  10. Snakes Don't Dance Part 10 - The Premiere/Kronk Fights the Big Bad Wolf 
  11. Snakes Don't Dance Part 11 - "Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now"/Siri Reveal Who They Really Are 
  12. Snakes Don't Dance Part 12 - End Credits 

Gallery []

Kaa as Danny 

Viper as Sawyer 

Oliver as Pudge 

Tony the Tiger as Wooly Mammoth the Elephant 

Lady Kluck as Tillie the Hippo 

Siri as Darla Dimple 

Bernard as Cranston Goat 

Miss Bianca as Frances Albacore 

Mr. J. Thaddeus Toad as T.W. Turtle 

The Big Bad Wolf as Max 

Woody Woodpecker as Farley Wink 

Tick-Tock Crocodile as L.B. Mammoth 

Oscar as Flannigan 

Nigel Ratburn as the Bus Driver 
